Get Up and Go: My Daily Morning Routine Vlog

 Get Up and Go: My Daily Morning Routine Vlog

My Daily Morning Routine Vlog
My Daily Morning Routine Vlog

Good morning, everybody! I am Rebecca and I will be filming a series on my daily morning routine vlog. Every day, I’ll start the video with the time and date, along with my current outfit, then get straight into my morning routine — what I ate, what music I listened to, what my self-care routine was like, etc. Please subscribe to me if you’re interested in learning more about my morning routine! Thanks for watching! See you next time! Bye!

What I Do When I Wake Up

My Daily Morning Routine Vlog

Daily morning routine vlog 2022. I get up around 6 am. Then, if I’m working that day, I spend an hour or so in meditation and light stretching to prepare for a long day of work. Then it’s shower time! After that, it’s a quick breakfast and then time to get dressed. Usually, I don’t have a ton of meetings on my calendar, so at 9 am I open up my laptop and start writing until lunchtime.

How I Prepare for the Day Ahead

My Daily Morning Routine Vlog

Ever since I was a little girl, my daily morning routine has been fairly consistent. Even though I’m not waking up at 6 am (yet) to go to school, I still like getting in a few minutes of me-time before rushing off to work or spending time with friends.

My Workout Routine

I wake up at 8 a.m. every morning, to get my workout in before work. I make sure to set my alarm an hour early, so I have enough time to shower, eat breakfast, and still fit in my daily workout routine.

What I Eat in a Day

In 10 years, I’ve developed a pretty good morning routine. It starts with waking up at 4 am—yes, 4 am. And while you might be cringing right now thinking about getting up that early, it really is worth it.

What I Save In A Month

Living in California can be expensive, especially with all of the extra fees they tack on to purchases. I’ve been able to save hundreds a month by switching to discount healthcare, changing my cell phone plan and cutting down on eating out. Follow along with me as I go over how you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars every month!

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